
prayerspace elementary School
The Dutch elementary school, Elif which is established on a Islamic foundation opened its doors in Hoorn since 2015. There was a need for a prayer space, this space has become a multi-functional space in which both the children and teachers can use and stay.

Hoorn in is a harbor city in north Holland with a history. Formerly
the VOC ships went from here to the far east. Hoorn had five city gates,
which some can stil be seen. With the project Waterlint there is a route
created along the city gates, but zooms in on the Westerdijk, now the backside
of the city, while it should be the front and the invitation card of the town.

Aluminium tubes and mouldable plastic enable the construction of an endless variety of composition or joinery and it creates an almost invisible spatial construction. It’s about the lightness and strength of the materials, density through lines and the social aspect of coming together and create. It gets an stature and size without form, because the form is defined by the game of individuals, who make the space. The space is composed out of solid and flexible connections, which are made by hand.

MoMo (Mobile Mosque)
Muslims pray five times a day. The prayer is not bounded to a specific place. One performs the prayer wherever one finds his or herself, so it often takes place in public space, which is not at all times very practical, depending on your surroundings.
So from my own experience with the lack of ideal surroundings arose the need to create a space for my daily prayers; A temporary space, which would provide private space and at the same time a sacred sense. From this point I started my quest for the right atmosphere and practical mobility.

The handmade silk panels are a translation of nature into textile. It’s an ink technique on silk what floats and creates partly it’s on pattern. It’s tangible and gives a green mood in the space. The silk panels will be hanging in layers and they are semi-transparent, so it gives a deeper effect when the layers overlap each other.
Beside the tactility of the panels, the sense of smell will be also triggered. At the bottom of the panel there is a horizontal pipe bag with dried lavender what leaves a pleasant scent in the space.